*     Machiventa: My friends, good afternoon. What an event you have occurring upon your world at this time.  Although we can foresee such things happening as what you are going through currently, our mandate does not allow us to intervene in the material affairs of humans and the evolution of your world in that regard, at this time.  But the event I am referring to in my opening statement is not the pandemic itself, but the result from the stimulation of the pandemic, the sincere reflection occurring.  Billions of people are questioning the meaning of life, are questioning their future, their role, their safety, and their purpose going forward.  The opportunity to apply spiritual pressure is great at this time. 

And so it is that we seek to engage with any who would reach out for spiritual guidance.  Yes, for more than a quarter of a century you have been willing, and we have enjoyed our relationship with you, as a result.  Now we seek to expand upon the initial efforts to bring more of an awareness of God, of his ministers, and the fact that the universe is a friendly place.  Everyone can feel this presence, engage in their mind with this presence, and become part of the vast networking occurring. This is why we are here, and yes, many times we break it down to your particular needs of a current week and the struggles and the questions you may have from one week to the next, but we ask you to remember that there is a mission occurring and you are a part of a larger effort that is meant to establish patterns for the future, both spiritual and physical. 

Eventually we do hope to have a physical planetary administration in place on the worlds that have been quarantined. These opportunities are generally looked at in accordance with how the planet is progressing at any current time and although you see chaos, and struggle, and partisanship, we also see the collective reaching for higher reality and become enthused at the possibilities that can result from this.

I am Machiventa Melchizedek and it is my great pleasure tonight to provide a sense of vision for you that goes beyond the temporal struggles, so that perhaps you can see that there is a purpose and a plan still, and regardless of whether it can materialize in your lifetime to the degree that you might wish, you are a part of that.  Your efforts play a part in that each time you can lighten the burden of another and bring them into a sense of hopefulness for what may come.